Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Liebster Award

Hello!  So very exciting news,  Corin Pye (corinpye95.blogspot.com) kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award.  I am very new to this all, so I did not really understand what it incorporated but after Corin's clear explanation on her blog I fully understand.  I can't wait to get started!

So eleven random facts about me:
  • I am 5ft 1, which is very small for a sixteen year old! (I think I inherited it from my parents who are also petite)
  • I love skittles, especially the sourest ones!
  • I have a large German Shepherd dog called Sharik (which means ball in Russian, don't ask!)
  • I have only had three proper relationships
  • I am best friends with eight girls!
  • I would love to be a photojournalist when I am older
  • I think I'm too funny sometimes and I start cracking up at my own jokes when everyone else has blank faces.  Probably illustrating that the joke I just said wasn't particularly funny at all
  • I have awful fashion sense (not that I wear horrible clothes, I just don't know what type of clothes suit me/my figure)
  • I haven't got my ears pierced
  • I absolutely hate spiders
  • My birthday is in 16 days!
Now I have to answer a variety of questions that Corin has given me:

1.  How do you spend your spare time?
It depends on what mood I am in.  For example if I have had a stressful or tiring day I will usually watch catch up TV or see if anything good is on.  However, if I am alert and active I will go on my exercise bike.  I also love reading before I go to bed because I dream about the story during the night!

2. Favourite brand of make-up?

3.  Mac or Windows?
Mac 100%

4.  Name 3 people on BlogSpot who you look up to
  • Zoella
  • Sprinkle of Glitter
  • Alice Finds
5.  Favourite Film
Mean Girls all the way! It never gets old.

6. Best apps on your phone
  • High School Story (look at previous blog)
  • Facebook
  • Covet Fashion
7.  Curly hair or straight?
Straight.  My hair is naturally curly and it is always messy!  I would love to have hair that is always under control.

8.  Hair or make-up as a necessity?
For school no, everyone has seen me on my bad days before.  However if I am going anywhere else but school then yes!  It makes me more confident as a person.

9.  What's your aspiration in life?
To have a successfully marriage and three beautiful children

10.  Describe yourself in a sentence
My craziness may be weird but it will make you laugh no matter what.

11.  Heels or flats?
Hm...I don't know.  I usually go for flats but heels will definitely be flattening for my height!  (Haha see what I did there!)

My Eleven Nominees!
1.  Steve McCurry (stevemccurrystudios.tumblr.com)
2.  Sophie Jones (What-Sophie-says.blogspot.co.uk)
3.  Anne (teenage-girl-who-writes.tumblr.com)
4.  Lazy Beauty Day (lazybeautyday.com)
5.  Amanda Panda (amandasophy.blogspot.com)
6.  Ceri (ceri-button.tumblr.com)
7.  Armenian Highland (armenianhighland.tumblr.com)
8.  Katie (fancydressinvite.blogspot.com)
9.  Chloe (chloeblogss.blogspot.co.uk)
10.  Happiness hit her like a train (happinesshitherlikeatrain.wordpress.com)
11.  Jen (fifty1degreesnorth.wordpress.com)

Finally, my Eleven Questions!
1.  Who is your favourite author?
2.  Who would you say is your inspiration in life?
3.  What time do you usually go to bed?
4.  Who is your favourite singer?
5.  Do you like rollercoasters?
6.  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
7.  Vegetables or Sweets?
8.  Describe yourself in one word
9.  Favourite month?
10.  How many relationships have you been in?
11.  What is the one thing you couldn't live without?

Thank you very much Corin!  I can't wait to see your posts nominees!
Love Georgie x

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